On Independence Day, the skies unfold,

A tale of valor, courage bold,

In lands where shadows once did creep,

Freedom’s promise now we keep.


From dusty roads to bustling streets,

Where freedom's heart and hope still beats,

The struggle's fire, the people’s cry,

Through darkened days, our spirits fly.


The Jallianwala Bagh's sorrowed ground,

Where innocence and blood were bound,

In Amritsar, the echoes call,

Of sacrifice that shook us all.


From Gandhi’s march to salt-stained seas,

To voices raised in endless pleas,

The masses stood, the struggle grew,

Their fight for justice long and true.


In every wound, in every scar,

The dream of freedom shines afar,

With every battle, every strife,

The flame of freedom gave us life.


Today we stand, both brave and free,

On this land of unity,

We honor those who paved the way,

In reverence on this Independence Day.