Water is a major element in our environment. It is essential for living. Without water the earth will be destroyed, no crops,no plants and no food. It is compulsory for humans to eat, for obvious reasons and their should not be an explanation for that, without water it is not possible for us to live. Really irresponsible for us to not save water. Though I can not reach everyone through this website, I would like to give unique tips to save water.

1. When you drink half a glass of water nd don't feel like drinking mor, just water some plants using that water. If it's not helping you it will help the plant!

2. When ever you have to take a bath, don't shower just use a bucket and use as less water as you can, but no matter what hygiene is important. 

3. While washing dishes don't leave the tap open for it to 'warm up' in winter's. The environment is more important. 

Please use the tips if you can to save future generations!