Improving your garden can lead to healthier plants and a more vibrant outdoor space. Here are five effective ways to enhance your garden:

  1. Use Homemade Compost: Well-rotted homemade compost is an excellent soil conditioner. It adds nutrients, and beneficial microbes, and improves soil structure. Whether you dig it in or use it as mulch, compost benefits your plants. 

  2. Evaluate Your Garden Layout: Take notes and photos during winter to assess your garden’s design. 

  3. Feed Your Soil: Regularly nourish your soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure. 

  4. Reduce Lawn Size: Consider replacing part of your lawn with flower beds, shrubs, or other landscape features.

  5. Add Fragrance: Plant fragrant flowers or herbs to delight your senses!                                                                                            
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