Dance connects us to society and culture in many universal and personal ways. It deepens our understanding of the world and ourselves. Synthesising personal knowledge and experiences with dance movements reinforces us to perceive the feelings and ideas evoked in a dance form. Dance makes us feel happy. When we dance, all our worries and stress go away. We get lost in pleasure and joy. Dance is also an exercise that provides numerous benefits to our health, such as improving blood circulation, developing muscles, promoting greater flexibility, improving body posture etc. People who dance daily are always fit and cheerful. That’s why dancers are very less likely to fall sick.


Dance helps us to connect to our inner selves. It provides us with mental peace and awakens the consciousness of our inner beauty. It helps develop self-confidence and self-esteem in a stimulating environment. Dance makes us feel more energetic and enthusiastic. It makes the brain learn things faster, so our capability to grasp new things increases.