• Water is one of the primary elements required by plants. When you think of gardening, you generally think of water, soil and sunlight. Plants can suffer when any of these are compromised.

The importance of water to your plants goes beyond merely keeping them alive. Water is also a necessary element to help plants thrive. Water is what allows for the uptake of vital nutrients from the soil. It is also water that helps to carry sugar and other elements that may be required by flowers or fruit.

A good comparison can be made here with the human body. When we become dehydrated, our blood thickens and has a more difficult time being pumped to and through various organs. A lack of water can cause us to become weak. Prolonged dehydration can also cause organ failure.

Plants are not that different. A plant needs water so that it can remain upright. Without the proper amount of water, a plant can droop. It may not be able to support its own weight. Water for plants is critical.