Everyone has their own way of seeking adventure which mainly depends on the things that fascinate them. Thera are various adventure sports that are arranged for recreational purposes for tourists & adventure seekers at suitable places. Some of these include sky diving, scuba diving, river rafting, treaking, surfing, paragliding and etc. 

The idea of adventure varies from person to person & their way of thinking. Some might be fascinated by thr courageous mountains which stand high while others may lover the deep mysterious oceans that hide secrets within. Adventure can put us through unusual situations that we don't even know if we can face or not. It thus helps us explore ourselves &nknow our strengths.

So, let the gentle breeze from untranished land caress you, let the voice of chirping birds bless your ears, let the rays of rising sun beyond horizons motivate you to shine bright, let the hard climb up the mountains tedt your determination, for everyone needs a little adventure in their lives, whatever counts for you is up to you.