Peregrine falcon

Scientific name: Falco peregrinus

A peregrine falcon is released back to the wild near the Wild Duck Lake Wetland Nature Reserve in northwest Yanqing District, Beijing. Photo: © Mengshuang Zhou

Despite having a vast range, the peregrine falconwas added to the Endangered Species Actin the US in 1973. Hunting and trapping were significant drivers behind the decline of peregrine falcon populations worldwide, with habitat loss through human activity also playing a major role.

Like the bald eagle, peregrine falcons experienced widespread poisoning from DDT, which led to steep declines in their numbers, particularly in the US. With the nationwide ban on DDT in the US, populations began to recover. Peregrine falcons are now legally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and are supported by breeding programs to help population growth. The IUCN currently classifies the peregrine falcon as least concern.