It is rightly said by Rudyard Kipling, that Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful," and sitting in the shade. In today's world environment is being exploited by greedy humans. 

Deforestation is taking place tremendously, for the human good, without even thinking of the environment and wildlife, which is also dependent on this very environment.

I see many people using artificial grass mats on their balconies. Rather than using artificial mats, they should plant saplings, so that they aid towards the betterment of the environment. By using the artificial objects just for decoration is no good than using real plants and helping in making the environment pollution free, this is real gardening.

Gardening, and spending time with plants and environmrnt also has other benefits. Students sould do gardening rather than wasting their precious time on screen, watching inconsequential content. By doing gardening, just for a short span of their day, they will get mental peace and better focus and concentration to support them in their studies.

There are so many benefits of gardening and the list goes on. Therefore, if one can, he should spend his precious time in pondering about environment, rather that wasting it.

I would like to conclude this article by the famous quote - "What you sow so shall you reap."