As we all know there is a high preference of Dengue and Malaria in the Monsoon season. In order to control or prevent the dengue outbreak, it is essential to avoid mosquito breeding in the near by areas. 

: Here are some Do's and Don'ts to prevent it.. 


. Keep all the water containers/overhead tanks etc, properly covered. 

. Dry all the desert coolers and containers in the house once a week. 

. Add two-tablespoons of Petrol/kerosene oil in containers uncovered / improperly covered tanks 'desert coolers if they can't be dried weekly'. 

Use mosquito repellants on exposed parts during daytime to prevent mosquito bites. 

. Wear full-sleeved clothes and long dresses/trousers that cover arms and legs, especially during epedimic seasons to prevent mosquito bites. 

. Use mesh doors/windows, mosquito coils, Stickers vapour mats etc, to keep mosquito away. 

. Use bed nets also during day time especially for small children. 

. Protect dengue patients from mosquito bites by any other methods. 

. Weekly anti-larval measures in and around constriction sites where there are water collections. 

. Ensure that there is no water logging on the roof top, in the ground areas , in tyres, bottle lids etc. 

. Don'ts.. 

. Don't let water to collect in or around houses. 

. Don't let broken earthenware, bottles, flower vase to collect our side or on roof tops. 

. Don't leave  water in desert coolers when not in use. 

. Don't store water uncovered in any pots or bottles. 

. Don't store tyres outside in workshops or godowns etc. 


Dhriti Seth