International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is observed annually on July 29th. It was established in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit to raise awareness about tiger conservation and to promote efforts to protect and expand their habitats. The day highlights the decline in tiger populations due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Various organizations, governments, and conservation groups participate in events and activities to promote the protection and preservation of tigers, aiming to ensure a stable and thriving tiger population in the wild. Objective of International Tiger day :; Raise Awareness: The day aims to bring attention to the critical plight of tigers. It seeks to inform people about the threats tigers face, including poaching, habitat destruction, and human-wildlife conflict.

Promote Conservation Efforts: Various conservation organizations and governments use this day to promote their efforts to save tigers. This includes fundraising, educational campaigns, and the promotion of policies and practices that protect tiger habitats and address poaching.

Encourage Tiger Habitat Expansion: Protecting and expanding tiger habitats is crucial. International Tiger Day highlights the need for large, contiguous areas where tigers can roam freely and safely.Foster Community Involvement: Local communities play a vital role in tiger conservation. Efforts are made to engage communities living near tiger habitats, promoting coexistence and sustainable practices that benefit both humans and wildlife.