Role of a Teacher in Student's Life:

"Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions."

Someone has rightly said that teachers give us comic artists, filmmakers, astronauts, and entrepreneurs. Without teachers, we wouldn't have Superman, the Eiffel Tower, or the internet. Youths are the nation's future, and teachers are the creators of the backbone of this nation. But, What qualities does a teacher have that influence the students? 

Who is a teacher?

Generally, a teacher, also known as a school teacher, is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence, and virtue through the practice of teaching.

However, being a teacher is much more than only giving away knowledge, lectures, and attending classes. Since ancient times, teachers have been considered a symbol of truth, beauty, and purity. Ancient India valued teachers highly for their selfless service, high learning, and morality. 

Teachers are the ones who help students to see reality as it is. In the modern age, teachers help students to make academic decisions that will guide them toward success in their future careers. 

Prime Characteristics of a Teacher:

A good teacher impacts everything from classroom learning to long-term success to make a world of difference in a student's life. And for that, a teacher must have the following characteristics:

  • Good Teachers are strong communicators: By communicating with students at the beginning of the year about their hobbies and future careers, they can provide a supportive learning method.
  • Good Teachers are good listeners: Teachers are skilled in listening and observing and can help build skills and confidence in students.
  • Good Teachers focus on collaboration: Working as a teacher means working in groups and developing creative ideas.
  • Good Teachers are adaptable: Teachers must adjust their teaching according to students' mental capacities and work in an engaging environment.