The helpless creatures


Today, I saw something that broke my heart. Some stray dogs were trying to cross a busy road. A person came and hit one of them so hard that the poor dog cried out in pain. These dogs can't speak; they can't tell us how much they are hurting. They are helpless and need our kindness, not our cruelty. I wonder why people do such things. What do they get from hurting these innocent animals? Stray dogs need our help. They need us to feed them, give them water, and show them some love. If we are angry or upset, we should not take it out on these poor creatures. They have done nothing wrong. Let us promise to be kind to stray dogs. Feed them, take care of them, and treat them with the respect they deserve. They may not have a voice, but their pain is real. It's up to us to make a difference in their lives .