Here are some of the challenges faced by the Indian education system ¹ ²:


- *Low accessibility*: Education in India is not easily accessible to all, especially in rural areas.

- *Lack of qualified teachers*: There is a shortage of qualified and trained teachers, which affects the quality of education.

- *Substandard pedagogy*: The teaching methods and materials used in Indian schools are often outdated and ineffective.

- *Poor infrastructure*: Many schools in India lack basic infrastructure such as classrooms, libraries, and laboratories.

- *High dropout rates*: Many students in India drop out of school due to various reasons such as poverty, lack of interest, and poor quality of education.

- *Inadequate funding*: The education sector in India is underfunded, which affects the quality of education and the availability of resources.

- *Corruption*: Corruption is rampant in the Indian education system, which affects the quality of education and the credibility of degrees.

- *Socio-economic disparities*: There are significant socio-economic disparities in the Indian education system, which affects the access to quality education.

- *Lack of emphasis on vocational training*: The Indian education system places a lot of emphasis on academic education, but neglects vocational training, which is essential for the development of skills.

- *Lack of focus on research and development*: The Indian education system does not place enough emphasis on research and development, which is essential for the development of new technologies and industries.

- *Brain drain*: Many talented students in India migrate to other countries in search of better education and job opportunities, which affects the country's development.

- *Lack of autonomy*: The Indian education system is highly centralized, which affects the autonomy of schools and universities to innovate and improve.

- *Lack of accountability*: There is a lack of accountability in the Indian education system, which affects the quality of education and the credibility of degrees.


These are some of the challenges faced by the Indian education system. The government and other stakeholders are working to address these challenges and improve the quality of education in India.