Overpopulation is the overcrowding of earth due to unregulated population growth of humans. There are many economical and social factors leading to overpopulation. It could result from low mortality rate, high birth rate, illiteracy, lack of family planning, large scale migration etc. Also, depletion of natural resources at one place results in overpopulation at some other place, where the resources are abundant.

An improvement in the past century in basic healthcare facilities and amenities has led to a decline in mortality rate, thus causing the population to grow consistently and is set to continue growing in to the next century.

Overpopulation, despite being a significant global issue, doesn’t get its due consideration. Still not much is being done by the world, to regulate population or to counter its effects. Overpopulation can serious hamper the growth of a nation, causing issues like – unemployment, scarcity of resources, habitat destruction and law and order problems among others.

Necessary steps must be taken to keep the world population under control, so that no place on earth gets overcrowded with humans and become scarce in vital resources, making survival difficult. Along with the mentioned effects, overpopulation also indirectly affects the environment up to large extent.