World Snake Day on July 16th urges increased awareness of the wide variety of species around the world. With around 3,500 species, finding a snake that fascinates you or that was unknown to you previously won't be difficult.

Celebrated annually on July 16, it is dedicated to raising awareness about the diverse and often misunderstood reptiles. The day aims to educate the public about the role snakes play in ecosystems, dispel myths, and promote conservation efforts.

Snakes are crucial to maintaining the balance of nature. They control pest populations by preying on rodents and insects, thereby protecting crops and reducing the spread of diseases. However, these reptiles are often feared and persecuted due to widespread misconceptions and myths about their danger to humans. World Snake Day serves as an opportunity to correct these misunderstandings and highlight the importance of snakes in the natural world.

Snakes may sneak into Unexpected Locations

During the monsoon season, rising water levels push snakes out of their underground burrows, leading to increased sightings, especially near human habitats. Wildlife SOS, a rescue organization, highlights that snakes can be found at various unusual locations, such as shoes and motorcycles.

The organization, which receives over 200 calls during the monsoon, also rescued a 3-foot-long Indian rat snake from the Prime Minister’s residence“Snakes are often misunderstood and feared due to myths and misconceptions.

During rescues, Wildlife SOS teams also raise awareness and educate people about the reptiles, which is crucial in reducing fear and promoting coexistence,” Kartick Satyanarayan, co-founder and CEO of Wildlife SOS, told TOI.

In many cultures, the snake is considered a powerful symbol of rebirth, transformation, and renewal due to its ability to shed its skin and emerge anew.

Let's clear some myths-

1. Myth: Rat Snakes are poisonous.

Fact: Rat snakes are Non-poisonous, rodent-eating Reptiles.

2.Myth: Rat Snakes mate with cobras.

Fact: Rat Snakes or any other snakes will not mate with any snake out of its own species. Cobras eat other snakes so a mating between a Cobra and a Rat snake is not possible.

3.Myth: Snakes drink Milk.

Fact: Snakes drink water and do not drink milk, neither can they digest it properly. They are reptiles and have no association with milk, only mammals who have mammary glands can produce milk and thus a liking for milk in non-mammals is unlikely. But in a crises when severely dehydrated, a snake might drink any liquid available.

4.Myth: Snakes remember you if you hurt them.

Fact: Snakes are not vengeful animals and do not have the necessary intelligence to remember people or places for getting revenge. Hindi Movies (Bollywood) have a lot to do with the creation of this myth.

5.Myth: If one Snake is killed its partner will trace you (no matter wherever you are).

Fact: Snakes are not vengeful animals and are not interested in chasing or tracing people who hurt them. They do not have the necessary memory and intellect to remember people to trace them back. Neither do snakes have a feeling of camaraderie nor do snakes pair for life. Once again Bollywood is responsible for this myth.