The Printing Press, Invented in around 1440 was one of the most renowned inventions that accelerated human progress. 

During that time, it was very hard for something to be passed to a large group of people in Europe. The German Goldsmith, Johanness Gutenberg invented the printing press.

It was basically the idea to mass-produce books, and sell them to people. (What later also led to mass-production of things, too) 

But he was known for inventing the Printing Press with all the screw-type wine press to press ink down evenly onto the paper. It was an easy way to spread information all across the country, and it resulted in the faster spread of information as well. 

It was a giant leap in History. 

Now, Gutenberg wasn't alive to see how his amazing invention affected the society. In fact, his first experiment of the invention was to print the Bible. However, very few people could read Latin (The Bible was in Latin at that time) and so, at first, it didn't work out quite well. 

However, once they had a steady flow of buyers, it became a renowned invention. The people working with Gutenberg began selling the books to captains of every ship leaving the port of Venice, and it over time, the invention became successful!

Soon, they ended up selling not only religious texts, but also breaking news and other important topics that were currently happening, which led to news production.

To conclude, the Printing Press was an extremely world-changing invention, and it greatly accelerated human progress of innovation. 

Hope you liked the Article and it interested you. If you would like me to write about any topic, just comment below and let me know. 

- Shikha
