1..Find a Goal 13 charity you want to support. Any donation, big or small, can make a difference!

2..Recycle paper, glass, plastic, metal and old electronics.
3..Compost. Composting food scraps can reduce climate impact while also recycling nutrients.
4..Choose reusable products. Use an eco-bag for shopping and a reusable water bottle or a cup to reduce your plastic waste.
5..Buy eco-friendly products. Read the packaging to see if products are produced in an eco-friendly way.
6..Bike, walk or take public transport. Save the car trips for when you’ve got a big group.
7..Consume less meat and become vegetarian for one day a week. The meat production industry has a huge impact on the environment.
8..Reduce your use of paper. Avoid printing and substitute it with electronic devices or carriers. Don’t shop for pets! Visit your local animal shelter and adopt an animal there.