We often think about reducing aging or hear stories about our ancestors who lived for 120 years!But have you ever thought what was the main reason behind it? Well, I have done a bit of research on it and found an acceptable answer. The hidden answer lies in the practice of exercising. In the olden days, people had less to worry and complain about. That is the core reason why they had more time to focus on themselves and spent their valuable time exercising and doing yoga. Yoga-A practice from medieval periods. Its history alone tells us why it is a perfect practice for us to stay happier and live a longer life. Yoga focuses on concentrating on our breathing and stretching our body to its fullest too get the best result. Each posture is designed in such a way that it increases our flexibility and control over the body. All these parts make Yoga a formidable challenger for exercise. Now let's get back to our main topic-Excercise. Yoga and exercise both play an integral role in living a better life by an individual. It is true that without both a man cant stay alive peacefully. The amount of energy that is up in our body while meditating or playing outdoor sports is on a whole new level. That is why our elders insist on playing and meditating outdoors rather than sitting on the couch and dozing off! Exercising can turn the mood of one of the most depressed ones so trying it out once in a while when we are feeling a bit odd or insecure can balance out the feelings and spread a positive vibe all around us. Writing about this topic will never come to an end, but I wanted to remind you of even a little part of how exercise and yoga play an integral part in one's life. Thank You meet you again on another day. If you like my content plz, share what topic should I write next!

Thank You it's your new daily writer-Jagannath signing off!