Digital India, a much more ambitious program, was launched on 1st July (Wednesday) in 2015 at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Delhi. It was launched by various top industrialists (Tata Group chairman Cyrus Mistry, RIL Chairman, Managing Director Mukesh Ambani, Wipro Chairman Azim Premji, etc.). In the meeting, they shared their ideas of bringing the digital revolution to the mass people of India from cities to villages.

Various events have been held in the presence of Information Technology companies to cover 600 districts in the country. The Digital India program is a big step taken by the government of India to make this country a digitally empowered country. Various schemes regarding this plan have been unveiled (worth more than Rs 1 lakh crore), such as Digital Locker, e-health, e-eduction, national scholarship portal, e-sign, etc.