
Land pollution is caused because of solid wastes. The problem is growing by the day because of the growing amount of waste products and lack of proper waste disposal options. Waste products from factories and households are disposed off in open spaces thereby causing land pollution.

Consequences of Land Pollution

The growing pollution is a cause of concern. It is causing irreparable harm to the environment as well as the living beings. The various harmful consequences of land pollution are listed as follows:

  • Waste products accumulated in an area for a few days get contaminated and create foul smell. Passing by such areas can be extremely difficult due to this reason. Living in areas with dumping grounds nearby seems next to impossible. People fear incurring diseases caused due to land pollution. Besides, the foul smell that these areas exhibit constantly are a big put off.
  • The price of the land in localities located near garbage dumping grounds is comparatively lower because the area is not considered worth inhabiting. Despite the low rates, people do not prefer renting or purchasing property here.
  • Toxic materials that contaminate land can interfere with the respiratory system of the human beings as well as animals. This is also the cause of various respiratory diseases that are proving to be fatal for the mankind.
  • Landfills are often burned to get rid of the waste products and lower the land pollution. However, this ends up in air pollution which is equally bad for the environment and life around.
  • Land pollution can cause skin allergies and other skin problems if people come in direct contact with the waste materials that cause it.
  • Land pollution is also a cause of various kinds of cancers.
  • Land filled with toxic materials is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies, rats, rodents and other such creatures. The diseases transmitted due to these tiny creatures are known to all. Various kinds of fevers and illnesses are on a rise due to these.
  • Land pollution caused due to over usage of pesticides and other chemicals contaminates the agricultural land.
  • Vegetables and fruits grown on soil that is contaminated cause various kinds of diseases.


There is no doubt about the fact that in an attempt to make our life more comfortable we are ruining the environment. It is time we must work towards bringing down land pollution to lead a healthier and happier life.