Our planet is definitely a priceless gift from God. It is the principal source of all essential nutrients for all living things on the planet. earth provides everything we need, including the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the home we live in. earth is known as 'Mother earth,' because, like our mother, she is always nursing us and providing for all of our needs.


We would not be alive if it weren't for the earth. Humans gain enormously from the earth's health benefits. The most vital thing that earth provides for survival is oxygen. Earth controls the complete cycle of breathing of all living beings. The oxygen we breathe comes from trees, and the carbon dioxide we exhale is absorbed by them.


On Earth, there are humans, animals, plants, water bodies, land, mountains, dirt, and so on. Our planet is the only place on the globe where living things can survive. As a result, it becomes increasingly critical and crucial to save our planet.


Prior to ways, we can save Earth and therefore life, it is important to understand how our activities are threatening the Earth, by providing damage to all its natural resources. These activities lead to soil erosion, due to deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, climate change etc.