Okay, a few paragraphs are enough for an obligatory intro, right? Of course it is, nobody reads this anyway. Let’s just dive straight into it so you can get yourself hyped up for about 20 minutes, then go back to procrastinating and reading generic self-help advice which tells you exactly what you want to hear. Ready? All right, let’s go. Its just a 3-step way of how to make ur self feel good


Do you sometimes feel bad? Are people mean to you? Are you scared of taking chances and doing what truly makes you happy, so you often conform to other people’s opinions just to fit in? Aw shucks, that sounds sad.

Don’t be sad. Be happy instead. Happiness is what everyone should achieve in life, while avoiding stressful situations, uncomfortable emotions, and challenging obstacles. Despite what people who actually study the human mind and behavior say, these are not things that strengthen your mindset, develop quality habits, shape your personality, and make you a stronger individual. Some call these people scientists, some call them experts, but their real title is haters.

lways be happy, because having any other emotion is unnatural.

Important note: Criticism is something very, very bad. It’s not something you can learn from to improve yourself. It’s not significant if 90% of people hate what you’re doing. It’s not important if you could do things differently and achieve a better effect. Why?

Because you’re awesome. Everybody is awesome. If you’re alive, you’re awesome. You don’t become an awesome person by doing good deeds, advancing your skills and knowledge, putting in hard work, and developing yourself into a smart, capable, and interesting individual. Heck no!

You’re perfect just the way you are.


You have an idea for a project? Thinking of writing a book? Starting a business? YouTube channel? Blog? Go for it. I’m sure it’s a unique, never-been-done-before idea. And if you think it might suck, don’t. Your every idea is amazing because, as we’ve learned, you’re awesome and criticism is bad. If you could actually learn something from criticism, it would mean that it is not necessarily bad. And that’s just crazy.


Now that we’ve gotten your blood pumping, thinking about the badass you’re going to become, making it rain in the clubs, living in a mansion, doing what you love, hanging out with celebrities, having a stable (?) personality and a winner’s mentality, let’s talk about how to actually get there.


“What’s this? Step 4?” – an avid reader exclaims. – “But I thought you said it was a 3-step solution?”

Just Relax and let ur life flow eventually a river always recahes an ocean