We all know the temperature have increased due to global warming but what steps are we taking for that? It is the time to take considerations into actions. Deforestation, wild 馃敟fire, carbon dioxide emmision from 馃殬 cars are the major culprits of this rising temperature. It is important to think now about the future generations. How will they survive if we will use 馃挧water, petroleum etc. in more than enough amount? Do you know only 4% of underground water is left? 

Stop deforestation. Do Afforestation or Refforestation. Remember - Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Just these three R's rule will make the Earth gleam. Stop 馃檯 using cars for short distances. Use cycles for that. 

Unity is the only 馃攽key for a green馃煝 Earth. Believe in yourself- You and we together馃珎 are the environmental activists and we can spread awareness for that. 

Thank you! 馃寧馃寧


Nitya Dubey