We all know the temperature have increased due to global warming but what steps are we taking for that? It is the time to take considerations into actions. Deforestation, wild 🔥fire, carbon dioxide emmision from 🚘 cars are the major culprits of this rising temperature. It is important to think now about the future generations. How will they survive if we will use 💧water, petroleum etc. in more than enough amount? Do you know only 4% of underground water is left? 

Stop deforestation. Do Afforestation or Refforestation. Remember - Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Just these three R's rule will make the Earth gleam. Stop 🙅 using cars for short distances. Use cycles for that. 

Unity is the only 🔑key for a green🟢 Earth. Believe in yourself- You and we together🫂 are the environmental activists and we can spread awareness for that. 

Thank you! 🌎🌎


Nitya Dubey