Imagine that you have been been working all day long. When you return home, you are exhausted from running in the sun for hours. As soon as you open the door, you are greeted by a sudden gust of cool wind. You smile and thank God for giving us such a blessing. Little do you know, that about a decade later, it's you who'll be cursing the machine and its inventor.

The whole country has been suffering from heatwaves and soaring temperatures this year, shattering records. Delhi has seen its hottest May-June since 74 years. Though air conditioning might seem to be the balm for all our problems, it is what will actually cause a global headache later. 

When Willis Carrier invented the AC in 1902, he did not know that his invention would be a major culprit in harming the environment. Did you know that ACs contribute to 4% percent of the world's pollution? If that number seems small to you, they also emit 1769010 kg of carbon in total anually.

Apart from the environment, they also take a toll on our health. Studies have shown that ACs can cause dry eyes, skin diseases, allergies, asthma and many other respiratory diseases. Morover, if not maintained properly, they can become a harbour for harmful bacteria, virus and fungi, which can cause serious health problems when released in the air.

According to reports, ACs are responsible for approximately 10% of the world's electricity consumption. Thats 3500 watts an hour! All this electricity calls for more burning of fossil fuels, releasing toxix greenhouse gases. Not only this, ACs uses CFCs and HFCs, both very harmful to the ozone layer, and a big contributor to the ozone hole.

Be it health or environment, ACs are harming our world and its inhabitants. So, let us vow to use them efficiently and sustainably because today's cool might become tommorow's heat.