I was 12 yrs old when I love watching animals, birds and sunsets...

Once I went at my farmhouse, there were too many birds.. Beside my house, there was a forest..we used to call "Home for animals" 

 I was sitting at my balcony and I saw 2 birds chirping together My cousin tanu used to call them "bella" to the female one and "Coco'' to the male one, they came over the balcony cuz my mother used to keep grains and water there for them.. they used to come here almost everyday and tanu loves to play with them.

They used to dance together and fly high,

Sometimes my eyes can't reach to them in the sky. They were happily living there life with eachother. they used to build there home together (nest) I have seen them, they took a long to build the nest, but at last they did it.

       (There nest was just in front of me at the tree)


 One day I saw bella sitting in her nest silenty.   

I found something wrong with her so I called tanu and asked her "what happened to her she seems happy always but today she is just sitting quietly and upset"

 Tanu said " I have no idea, 

Have you seen CoCo anywhere?"

I replied with "no" but in morning I have heard his chirping with "bella".

We both were tensed.

Suddenly someone rang my doorbell, I went down the stairs to see who was there, I open up the door, and I saw our neighbor "atharv" (we used to call him arvv)

He came up with holding a cage in his hand in which there was a bird, We didn't paid attention to that cage.

 We came up to my balcony and started talking about our studies, Suddenly bella started chirping and i noticed that some sounds were coming from porch.

Tanu and arv were enjoying the sound while I came down so that I could find out whose voice it was,

And the voice was coming from that cage

I was shocked, I found CoCo there.

I ran to my room and started shouting on arv,

Tanu didn't know anything about all this, she was confused to see sudden change in my behaviour.

Arv said "what is wrong with you, why are you shouting on me?"

I replied with pointing on bella "Look at her, you turned a happy, jolly person 'Sad', from the morning I found her very quiet and upset. I was thinking about her and CoCo.

He was still confused he asked me that

 "what is my fault in that?" 

"You didn't took only bird but someones child, brother or a bestfriend. You took her bestfriend away from her, and mybe you don't know how it feels to loose a bestfriend with whom you have spent a lot of time" 

 I replied-

He said 

"They are birds, they know how to live in a cage or in the sky, you don't need to worry about that!"

But how does it feel to live in a cage, that too when it is not your fault?"

I took a deep breath and said again

" If one day your parents will keep you in a cage or in a room and say that you know that how to live in cage or in the room everytime?

When almost your freedom is lost?

When someone is taking away your the basic rights?"

He was standing quietly wid a regret in the heart.

Tanu said "She is right, birds are also a human being.

They also have rights to there freedom.

And youu have no right to stop them"

Arv said-"I am sorry, I shouldn't do that, I am gonna set him free. And I swear, I would never do that again"

(We all went at porch and bought the cage at my balcony)

Arv opend up the cage and set CoCo free.

After seeing him, Bella became very happy and started singing with him.

They went up dancing in the sky,

And after sometime they disappear.

*After that day, I didn't see them again.*

Days were passing and now, I have to move to my hometown.

The day I have to leave my farmhouse,

I went at balcony and looking at their nest.

Suddenly, I found them sitting beside eachother at the top of the rack and eating the grains. They started singing again.

My best. 

I Saw them again. 

They came back. 

They were happy together. 

I don't need anything more than that.

Cuz loosing a friend, might be loosing a partner, a brother/sister or make you feel that loneliness.

Everyone deserves a friend like 'Bella' and 'CoCo'. 

I hope that you all too never loose a good friend, It is better to fight with them than to make many new friends and tell them who you are.

Many of us can relate to this, 

"Quality over Quantity"

We all need many friends but some of us don't because having a few friends is enough for you and, you never know how that friends turn into the people you can't live without or don't want to live without.



Thankyou for being with me at last of the story, I hope you all liked it.


Written by Gourvi Singh

Class 8-D