Fitness is not just to excersize, fitness can create your life, modify your life, change your life and add years to your life. Of course, it trims your muscles and improve your physique but fitness is the way of living right. People doing some or the other type of fitness is improving their lives day by day. People doing fitness and excersizes at least everyday do not face challenges in solving their day- to-day life problems, they don't feel stressed, some of them may have sharp memories and have a good sleep. Some people are just doing fitness to improve health which actually the main cause of doing it. People those who were having muscle problems and diseases are mostly improved by fitness and doing patricular exersizes everyday. Some people or even children play throughout, they have a special curiosity is playing the game and learning new skills and tricks to play which indirectly makes them to do fitness. Basically, fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations, and daily activities.  Physical fitness is actually achieved through proper nutrition, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest and recovery for a particular time period. Scientifically, fitness is one's ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and strength with the management of disease, fatigue, and stress. A physical activity that enhances your overall health to be active. But according to me fitness is something that make your reach peaks of success because fitness is something which builds discipline which can change your life from stress and depression to success and victory in life.

There are several benefits of regular fitness:-

1. Excersize controls weight

2. Excersize combats bad health conditions and diseases

3. Excersize improves mood

4. Excersize boosts energy

5.Excersize promotes better sleep

For instance, The famous Portugese footballer as forward, Cristiano Ronaldo use to work very hard when he was at the age of 15 at school. He was good at science but was very intrested in playing football. He improved with his growing age. He played all day and night, practiced hard and eventually got healthy, improved life and physique and accoplished the biggest achievement of his life, becoming a footballer and winning awards and honour.

With this I would like to conclude with,