Recently, there has been a massive decline in insects globally. Insects play a vital role in our environment, they pollinate plants, disperse seeds, and maintain soil structure and fertility. Non-native plants do not provide the necessary nutrition required for the insects, Native plants provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native insects and other animals and thus, are better to plant.

Some steps to protect insects from declining are-

1) Habitat Loss: Protecting biodiversity hotspots, such as primary rainforests, and trying to regenerate damaged ecosystems.

2) Climate Change: Climate change involves deep cutting on carbon emissions. Also, Establishing secure and large conserved areas, where these species face no threat.

3) Pesticide Use:  Educating farmers about more sustainable and greener options also plays a major role in conserving these species.

4) Small-Scale Actions: Every small action like converting our lawns or even a small part of our common park into diverse natural habitats can contribute significantly and does matter.

We must remember that every small action counts and every little step will add up to a better result for our environment!