A Drop of Hope

In the dance of morning dew,
And rivers' song both fresh and true,
Lies a secret, pure and clear,
A call to cherish, hold it dear.

From mountain springs to ocean's edge,
Each droplet born of nature’s pledge,
To quench the earth, to nourish life,
In every storm, in calm or strife.

Yet heed the whispers in the breeze,
A plea from rivers, lakes, and seas,
"Save us," they cry, in urgent tone,
"For future seeds, for life unknown."

Turn off the tap when not in use,
And let no precious drop diffuse,
Fix the leaks, be mindful, wise,
Guard each drop 'neath azure skies.

Collect the rain, let gardens thrive,
With every effort, keep alive,
The promise of a world sustained,
Where water's worth is never drained.

For in each drop, a world resides,
A source where endless life abides,
So save the water, hear its plea,
Protect its flow for you and me.