We eat green vegetables, fruits and dal everyday just because we are told that these foods are healthy. They are rich in multiple vitamins and minerals essential for our body. However, nowadays, even this kind of food isn't very healthy.
When crops are grown, they are lathered with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As important as they may be, too much of everything is bad. Here, for example, too much fertilizer= extra nutrients= unhealthy plant. These plants either die or survive. And when they survive, they are served to you for dinner. Palak, yum. Yes, itt has vitamin B2 but it also has lots of chemicals harmful for our delicate digestive systems. Mangos are injected with chemicals to make them ripe. So are apples and bananas. Even milk and eggs are tampered with. 
Can we really say that our food is healthy anymore? Has health become a world-wide, mass-destruction scam?