The Reasi attack on June 9, 2024, in Jammu and Kashmir, was a tragic incident where militants ambushed a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims, resulting in the deaths of nine people and injuries to 41 others. This event has raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of the Indian government's intelligence and security measures.


### Details of the Attack

The attack occurred in Teryath village when gunmen opened fire on a 53-seater passenger bus, causing it to crash into a gorge. Even after the crash, the assailants continued shooting at the victims. Initial claims of responsibility came from The Resistance Front (TRF), a proxy of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), although TRF later denied involvement. The Jammu and Kashmir Police suspect LeT's involvement, which has a history of conducting attacks in the region.


### Intelligence and Security Failures

The incident has highlighted significant lapses in intelligence and security protocols. Despite the high-security environment in Jammu and Kashmir, the attackers managed to execute a well-coordinated ambush. This points to a potential failure in either gathering actionable intelligence or effectively utilizing the intelligence available.


Indian intelligence agencies are often credited with preventing numerous terrorist plots, yet they are judged harshly for their failures. Historical precedents, such as the Mumbai attacks in 2008 and the Parliament attack in 2001, show that despite having some intelligence, the lack of precise actionable data or effective follow-up can lead to catastrophic outcomes.


### Government Response

The response to the Reasi attack involved immediate search and rescue operations, compensation announcements for the victims, and a large-scale manhunt involving the Indian Army and Central Reserve Police Force. However, these actions, though necessary, are reactive rather than preventive.


### Political and Public Reactions

The attack has prompted strong reactions from political leaders and the public. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other high-ranking officials have condemned the attack and promised stringent actions against the perpetrators. Opposition leaders have criticized the government's handling of security in the region, calling for more robust intelligence and counter-terrorism measures.


### Moving Forward

To prevent such incidents in the future, there is a need for a comprehensive review of the intelligence and security apparatus in India. Establishing a tradition of in-depth inquiries into each significant intelligence failure could help identify deficiencies and implement necessary corrections. Additionally, fostering community cooperation is crucial for gathering timely and precise intelligence to thwart such attacks effectively.


The Reasi attack underscores the ongoing challenges in securing volatile regions like Jammu and Kashmir and the critical need for enhanced intelligence and proactive security measures to protect civilians from terrorist threats.