Mental wellness** is all about feeling good in your mind and being happy. Just like we take care of our bodies by eating healthy food and exercising, it's important to take care of our minds too!

What is Mental Wellness?


1. Feeling Happy: It's important to feel happy and enjoy the things you love doing.

2. Managing Emotions: Sometimes, we feel sad, angry, or scared. It's okay to have these feelings, and it's good to know how to handle them.

3.Having Good Friends: Being with friends and family who care about you helps you feel loved and supported.

How to Stay Mentally Well

- Talk About Your Feelings: If something is bothering you, talk to a parent, teacher, or friend.

- Play and Have Fun: Doing things you enjoy, like playing games or drawing, helps you feel good.

- Exercise: Moving your body by playing outside or doing sports helps your mind feel better too.

- Rest and Sleep: Make sure to get plenty of sleep so your mind and body can rest and recharge.

- Try Relaxing: Take deep breaths, listen to calm music, or do a fun activity to relax.

Remember, just like visiting a doctor when you’re sick, talking to someone about your feelings is important for staying happy and healthy. Taking care of your mental wellness helps you be the best you can be.