Imagine a day dedicated to understanding, including, and celebrating unique individuals. That day is International Albinism Awareness Day, which is celebrated every year on June 13.


It’s a special time to learn about albinism, a genetic condition that affects people worldwide, regardless of gender or ethnicity. This day illuminates the challenges faced by those with albinism and promotes their rights and well-being.


Why do we celebrate this day? People with albinism often deal with visual impairments and are at a higher risk of skin cancer. This is especially true in regions where access to preventative care is limited. Discrimination and social exclusion are real issues, too.

This day helps spread knowledge and compassion, aiming to create a society that welcomes everyone. Celebrating diversity and advocating for equal rights are at the heart of this awareness day.


Every year, a new theme guides the celebrations, reflecting a commitment to progress and hope. These themes emphasize the importance of inclusion and the protection of rights for people with albinism.


By participating in awareness programs, we can all contribute to making the world a better place for individuals with albinism​​​​.