In today's fast-paced world, technology plays an integral role in our daily lives. From smartphones to laptops, tablets to gaming consoles, our love for gadgets knows no bounds. But what happens to these devices when we're done with them? Unfortunately, far too often, they end up in landfills, posing serious threats to our planet and health.

Did you know that globally, we produce over 50 million tons of electronic waste each year? Shocking, isn't it? And what's even more alarming is that only a fraction of this waste is properly recycled or disposed of. The rest? It sits in landfills, leaching toxic chemicals into the soil and water, endangering ecosystems and human health.

Improperly disposed of e-waste poses significant threats to both the environment and human health? When electronics are carelessly discarded, they release toxic substances such as lead, mercury, and cadmium into the air, soil, and waterways. These pollutants can contaminate ecosystems, harm wildlife, and even find their way into our food chain, endangering human health.

But the dangers don't stop there. E-waste also contributes to the depletion of natural resources and magnify climate change. The extraction and processing of raw materials for electronics demand vast amounts of energy and water, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation.

Furthermore, the improper disposal of e-waste in landfills not only destroys valuable resources but also poses serious risks of fires and explosions due to the combustible nature of certain components.

So now its our turn to act , please think before you thorw and recycle your e waste .