The smell of wet ground and beautiful flowers, that previously reminded me of happy childhood memories, now hold a sharp aftertaste of sadness. I kicked at a dry patch of dirt, causing a cloud of dust to rise in the area where butterflies used to dance. The once-lush forest that bordered our town had been choked to death by deforestation, the silent but deadly monster.

Deforestation, that silent thief, had stolen more than just shade. It choked the air we breathed, leaving children like me with itchy throats and dreams filled with smog, not soaring birds.

There was more to this than a lost playground. It was about a world in which children would not know the cool embrace of a real forest or the hidden secrets of leaves.  I wish that our mother earth is happy and alive once again.

I wish trees become lush once again and barren scars on the earth trnasform into vibrant forests. The silence created by deforestation would be replaced by chattering of birds ,  rain would shower  and playgrounds would become oases of adventure. Deforestation is a big bully, but I'm stronger. With every tree I grow, Earth becomes a playground for every kid.