yes we should increase our grip because grip is life saving at some incidents like a mountainner climbing a mountain has to increase his grip to hold mountain rocks tightly and hold his/her weight in mountain it is also important to pull up yourself or an individual from a pit or other things to save an individuals life it is important in many exercises like plate pinches it can easily increase your grip strength and it is necessary and issential at sports like grip tournament where one have to keep his grip and her/his opponent has to keep grip and pull a thing opposite to your opponent just like tug of war who lefts the grip and cant pull losts you can increase your grip by an effective tool to increase your grip which is a hand gripper or you can also try to grip on things and do a exercise which is pull up in which you have to grip on a bar and pull yourself up it increases your grip strength rapidly and it is important  on overall health too(Grip strength can be an indicator of muscle strength, bone bone strength, and nutritions It can also help reduce the risk of damge of falls and fractures)

done by aditya rana