Trees are the lungs of our Earth. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, giving us clean air to breathe. Trees are like big umbrellas, providing shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. They are homes for birds to build their nests and a playground for squirrels to chase each other.

Trees are also like wise old friends. They have been around for many years, and they stand tall and strong. Their leaves dance in the wind, and their branches wave hello to the sky. In the summer, they wear a coat of green leaves, and in the fall, they change their coat to red, yellow, or orange.

Trees give us fruits to eat and wood to build houses and make paper. They help the soil stay healthy and keep the water in rivers clean. When we plant trees, we help our planet and all the creatures that live on it.

So, let’s take care of trees because they take care of us. Let’s plant more trees and protect the ones we have. Trees are not just plants; they are a big part of our family on Earth .