The words I will say, 

Are going to be true for sure. 

So, you better stay! 

This topic is a bit mature. 

Starting it off, 

Oh c'mon, don't scoff. 

Let's talk about our cruel world, 

It's a lesson to be heard. 

Life is so unfair, 

Some are rich, some are poor. 

Ups and downs and Lefts and Rights, 

From dawn till midnight. 

Oh! I am done. 

Suffering so much. 

Oh, no! I am about to fall, 

Come help me get up. 

Look from your perspective, 

Come be a detective. 

The world is cruel. 

Are you the same too? 

Crimes, thefts and kidnapping, 

That's some tea, still been cooking. 

Some unspoken mysteries, 

These things can turn to histories. 

Oh, look we reached the end, 

Look at the time we spent. 

Annoying and unusual, 

The world is so cruel. 

Hope you like it. It is written by me! 
