Ever wonder why some places are witnessing abundance of insects while some places have started seen less of them? Maybe the first reason is climate change that came up to your mind. Studies show that some insects are the declining at the rate of 9% per decade where as the freshwater insects appear to be increasing by 11% per decade. Let's dive deep into this intersting and quirky topic today.


The first reason of the dclining population of insects is the relying on industrial method by the farmers. It can be categories by using technologies to increase the crop yield or using nonbiotic inputs. Many farmers have started using technologies instead of opting for sustainable alternatives which is resulting in the declining of them and loss of biodiversity too. The use of pesticides is the main cause.

Some reports show that light pollution is affecting them a lot. Light pollution can be termed as the effects of poorly implemented lightning sources during day or night. It also includes using artificial light unnecessarily. While researching I found out that the causes for the declineing of them is similar to those which are driving to biodiversity loss. Some examples like we saw are intensive agriculture and habitat destruction.


It affects the food chain, also it has catastrophic impact on the plants' ecosystem

*Let's look at some general solutions*

Policies and conventions: government should introduced strict and easy to apply policies.

Reduce the use of pesticide: Reducing the pesticide use and switching to sustainable alternatives will help ease the problem 

Buffer zones: the government should increase the buffer zones and wildlife sanctuaries to protect these insects and biodiversity.

Awareness: try to spread awareness by educating people around you. Planting trees and taking care of them, donating money to NGOs working for climate change are few steps we can take.