Summer breaks are a wonderful time for kids to relax and enjoy, but staying healthy during these hot months is very important, especially when the temperature can soar to extreme levels like 52 degrees. Here are some simple and easy ways for kids to stay healthy and happy at home during the summer break.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing. Kids should drink water frequently to stay hydrated. Parents can make it fun by giving them colorful water bottles or adding slices of fruits like lemon or cucumber to their water for a refreshing taste. Drinking coconut water and fresh fruit juices can also help keep them cool and hydrated.

Eat Healthy Snacks

Eating the right foods is crucial during the hot summer months. Fresh fruits like watermelon, mango, and oranges are not only delicious but also keep the body cool. Yogurt, salads, and smoothies are great snacks that provide nutrients and help in staying cool. Avoiding junk food and oily snacks is a good idea as they can make kids feel tired and sluggish.

Stay Indoors During Peak Hours

When the temperature is extremely high, it's best to stay indoors, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM when the sun is the hottest. During these hours, kids can play indoor games, read books, or watch their favorite cartoons. Creating a cool indoor environment with fans and air conditioning helps in keeping the house comfortable.

Engage in Indoor Activities

There are many fun indoor activities that can keep kids entertained and active. Simple exercises like jumping jacks, dancing, or yoga can be done inside the house. Creative activities like drawing, painting, and crafting are also great for keeping the mind active and engaged. Parents can set up small indoor games or obstacle courses to keep kids physically active.

Cool Baths and Swimming

Taking cool baths can help kids feel refreshed and lower their body temperature. If there is a safe place to swim, like a home pool or a community pool with supervision, swimming is an excellent way to stay cool and have fun. Always make sure kids are supervised by an adult when they are near water.

Wear Light and Comfortable Clothes

Wearing light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothes helps in staying cool. Cotton absorbs sweat and allows the skin to breathe. Hats and sunglasses can also be worn when stepping outside to protect from the sun.

Rest and Relax

Getting enough rest is very important. Kids should have a routine that includes a good night's sleep and some quiet time during the day. Reading books, listening to calm music, or simply lying down in a cool room can help kids relax and recharge.

Protect from Sunburn

If kids need to go outside, it’s important to protect their skin from sunburn. Applying sunscreen with a high SPF, wearing hats, and using umbrellas can prevent harmful sun exposure. Even during short trips outside, these precautions are necessary.

Stay Cool with Fun

Having fun while staying cool is possible with a bit of creativity. Making homemade ice pops with fruit juice, having a water balloon fight, or creating a mini indoor picnic can be exciting and enjoyable. Setting up a small tent inside the house for a play area can also be a great way to have fun indoors.

Keep an Eye on Health

Parents should keep an eye on any signs of heat exhaustion or dehydration in kids. If they seem unusually tired, dizzy, or have a dry mouth, it's important to get them hydrated and rest in a cool place. Consulting a doctor for any concerns is always a good idea.


Staying healthy at home during the summer break is all about staying cool, hydrated, and active. By following these simple tips, kids can enjoy their break while keeping safe and healthy. Parents play a crucial role in making sure that their children have fun and stay protected from the extreme heat. With a little care and creativity, summer breaks can be a wonderful and healthy time for kids.