Topic of talk show: ## Teen Talk: Is Social Media a Double-Edged Sword?


*Intro Music*


*Rishita- Good evening everyone, and welcome to Teen Talk! Today we're diving into the world of social media – the good, the bad, and the ugly of how it affects teenagers like us. Me Rishita and my friend Arihant, our the hosts for the day. Today our topic is, Is Social Media a Double-Edged Sword?  .Joining me on the couch are my awesome co-hosts: the meme queen, Aishwarya , the gamer extraordinaire, Shaurya , the social butterfly,Divyanshika , and the budding musician, Tejas .


*(Audience cheers)*


*Arihant:* So, let's kick things off. Aishwarya, you're known for your hilarious memes. How does social media help you express yourself creatively?


*Aishwarya-   Honestly, it's amazing! I can take funny moments from life, turn them into memes, and share them with a whole community. It's like having a platform for my weird sense of humor, and sometimes, they even go viral!


*Arihant-  Shaurya,  you're a sweaty player. Does social media connect you with other players?


*Shaurya-  Definitely! Online communities for gamers are huge.  I can chat with people who love the same games as me, share strategies, and even find teammates for online tournaments. It's like having a global team ready to play anytime.


*Rishita-   Perfect one Shaurya, Divyanshika, you have a ton of friends and seem to be constantly connected. How does social media help you maintain your social life?


*Divyanshika-  For sure! Social media lets me stay in touch with friends, see what they're up to, and even make new friends with similar interests. It's especially helpful when you have friends who live far away or have busy schedules.


*Rishita:*  Sounds like social media has some great features. But Tejas, we also see a lot of negativity online. How can social media impact teens negatively?


*Tejas:* It can be a real downer sometimes.  Perfect lives and unrealistic beauty standards get shoved in your face constantly. It's easy to feel down on yourself when everyone seems to have a picture-perfect life online. 


*Arihant- That's a great point, Tejas.  Aishwarya, you mentioned memes.  Do you ever see cyberbullying or negativity online?


*Aishwarya-   Sadly, yes. Sometimes funny memes can turn mean-spirited.  It's important to be careful about what you post and how it might affect others.


*Rishita-  Absolutely. Shaurya , with all the gaming communities online, do you ever face any online toxicity?


*Shaurya-  Unfortunately, it happens. Online anonymity can make people say things they wouldn't dare in person. It's important to remember there is another person on the receiving end with human feelings.  


*Arihant-   Great advice Shaurya. Divyanshika as someone with a large online network, can social media ever feel overwhelming?


*Divyanshika :* Totally. Sometimes there's so much pressure to constantly post and keep up with everyone's updates.  It's healthy to take breaks and remember that real-life connections are important too.


*Arihant-    Exactly, Divyanshika.  So, what can teenagers, do to have a more positive experience with social media?


Aishwarya- * *Focus on real-life connections* and spend time with friends and family face-to-face.

*  *Be mindful of what you post* and how it might affect others.

* *Curate your feed* and follow positive, inspiring accounts.

* *Don't compare your life* to the highlight reels you see online – remember, it's not always reality.

* *Limit screen time* and find other hobbies.



*Arihant-   Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts! 

Rishita-Remember, social media can be a powerful tool, but it's important to use it wisely.