"Kindness", it's a simple word. 8 letters, 2 syllables. It's a word often overlooked by the best of us. Sure, it's kind of cheesy to talk about. It's all sugar-coated and sweet. But in today's bitter world, isn't a little sugar important?
"Kill them with kindness", "Be kinder than you have to be". These famous quotes aren't just words written said by cheesy people. These words have a meaning. 
Even if you want to be kind, do you really know how to? In the current society, no one has time. Humanity is the most petty thing in the world right now, because it has seized to exist. But when you're holding a cup of coffee in one hand and your bag in the other and a nice person comes to open the door for you, isn't that the sweetest thing? And you cannot lie, even to yourself that you don't think about that at some point of the day and it just makes you smile?

And and and, when you really hate someone, "Kill them with kindness". It works! Don't be mean, it's pretty useless. Love the haters and all those you hate, and they'll just be annoyed that you aren't annoyed and walk away. 

Being kind, or merely being nice isn't very hard. Sometimes you just have to look outside and let your heart be at work.