Today, My parents decided we were all spending a whole day with NO gadgets. No

phone, no computer, no TV – not even my trusty calculator! I thought I'd be bored out of

my skull, but honestly, it wasn't that bad.

First, the wake-up call. No blaring alarm this morning. Mom woke me up with a cheerful,

"Rise and shine!" It actually felt kind of nice waking up naturally, even if the birds

chirping were a little loud at first.

Breakfast was a bit of a scramble . Without the usual toast popping in the toaster, we

had good old-fashioned porridge. Dad even dug out a dusty board game called Snakes

and Ladders. It was a little slow at first, but we ended up having a ton of laughs –

especially when Dad got stuck on a snake for the third time in a row.

After that, things got a little tricky. My homework involved researching on the different

topics. Without the internet, I had to rely on the good old library. It was kind of cool

flipping through actual books, seeing all those words on paper. It took longer, but I

learned a lot more that way.

The evening was the most surprising. Without TV, we all gathered around a big blanket

in the living room and Dad told us stories about his childhood. It was like stepping back

in time, hearing about adventures he had when he was my age. Then, Mom led us in a

sing-along of old classics. It was actually kind of sweet, everyone's voices blending

together.Dinner was another board game extravaganza. This time, we played Pictionary. Let's

just say my artistic skills need some serious work! But hey, we laughed so hard we


As I crawled into bed, I realized something. While I love my gadgets, today was a nice

change. We talked more, laughed more, and reconnected as a family. Maybe we don't

need all those screens all the time after all.