Tiger - tiger burning bright,in the forest by the night. These lines of William Blake had given me a feeling that animals are lifeless. Almighty has given people everything ,but people want more, their tummies are not full yet. They are greedy, they take animals and put them in cages, and tie them in shackles. Some animals even die because there is no good food, no good home. Everyone has the right to live freely. Do you know, animals are getting extinct because of suffocation,sorrows and because of us. We have no right to put animals in concrete jungles. But one day would be ,when we would in prisons and animals would be free. We would be suffering from pain, like today animals are. A tiger would be free to hunt, the world would be green and animals would tease us like we do today. Do you know, that there is a zoo in Lusaka where there is a empty cage, with no animals and only a mirror is there on which it is written ' THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL'. A person sees their reflection in the mirror and realise their mistake. LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE BE OUR MOTTO.