Understanding and acknowledging the importance of nature is crucial, especially when considering the severe impact of heat waves on Indian cities. The alarming reality of this situation necessitates urgent attention and concerted efforts to address and mitigate its effects, it's true. We need to take a step because heat waves are not knocking at the door but crashing it and coming in.

So over here we just do not want to discuss about so many problems but also solutions.

This video may also help you a lot! - https://youtu.be/-jHOHihV-Y4?feature=shared

1st solution: You might think the first solution is AC but it is for the short term, for the long term it is a big no!

2nd solution: We all eat mangoes in summer but none of us plant a mango tree, do we? 

Conclusion: God has given us so many things, but we are not the owner of these things! So we need to give these things back to him...

So this year will plant only one mango tree but we will do it because sharing this with you makes a difference to me