World Fish Migration Day is a global awareness campaign celebrated every two years to highlight the connections that migratory fishes have with human and non-human species, lands, and waters.

This day is marked by celebrations, events, and action campaigns organized by people around the world to connect fish, rivers, and people.

World Fish Migration Foundation is the main organizer of World Fish Migration Day, and the theme for 2024 is Free Flow.

These migratory fishes are extraordinary. However, face a huge threat!

A staggering 97% of migratory fish on the Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) face extinction.

A recent United Nations report takes a close look at the status of migratory species listed by the CMS; fish species are the most threatened, and freshwater fish species, in particular, are the most underrepresented.

But amidst this alarming decline of migratory fish worldwide, emerges a promising solution.

Swimways, a concept akin to 'flyways' but tailored for aquatic habitats, introduce a fresh perspective to conservation efforts.

It underscores the critical significance of preserving free-flowing rivers as indispensable migratory pathways for a myriad of aquatic species.

Call for urgent action to save migratory freshwater fish to protect biodiversity, food sources and livelihoods!

This world fish migration day, Take big actions in order to achieve the sustainable goal of life under water, which is SDG 14! 

Protect these before it's too late!!