Hello Guyzzzz, Today I am back with another interesting topic that I researched upon yesterday. The Story of Leftover Food

Food is one the most important attributes for humans as is considered as one of the 3 things man needs to survive, Food, Shelter and Clothes. Even after such immense importance around 65 million people in the world can't afford to eat even two meals a day and as per www.who.int.com over 828 million people suffer from hunger today. These statistics are shocking and alarming as  we are also partly having a role to play in causing food insecurity. Often in our daily lives the food which we don't eat is thrown away as human refuse and ends getting wasted. As per reasearch gate an Indian household wastes around 50kg of food per annum per individual. Whew!! That's a lot of food. But here are a few ways in which you can prevent food from being wasted:


  • If you believe in conserving energy then you must save food as the food industry accounts for nearly 30% of the total world energy consumption
  • Second of all, treat your food as god or as a means for life. When you develop the sense that getting food everday on your table is indeed a priviledge and a honour that many people do not have, you will automatically become more conscious about food wastage.
  • Always take a less portion than your normal diet. Many psychological researches have shown that our portion size and craving for a particular food is highly dependent on our emotional and mental state. Hence, somedays you might be feeling low and not have your usual portion size and end up wasting a lot of food. Instead start by taking a smaller portion and then take more if required
  • And finally the last but not the least, before throwing your food into the drain or the garbage always remember the faces and conditions of those 65 million people who can't even have two square meals a day, realize the importance of food and try to be in their position to stop wasting this critical resource.


These are the few ways in which I have managed to eliminate food wastage in my family, and I have ended up inculcating a habit of eating the leftovers in my little brother too so that No Food is Wasted. That's all for now and as I usually say "Keep Saving Energy". PEACE!!!