"The reason for having diplomatic relations is not to confer a compliment, but to secure a convenience." - Winston Churchill

I would like to start off by saying that Hard power is like a country’s muscle. It’s called ‘hard’ power because it involves direct, tangible, and often immediate actions. These actions can include military forces or economic sanctions. The term ‘hard’ signifies that these methods are strong and can have significant impacts. 

It’s like using a ‘hard’ hand to directly control or influence emergency situations. 

I strongly believe Hard Power is more effective than the ability to attract using Soft Power. It is a time-effective method as there are many limitations for soft power, which stop us from using that ability.

Firstly, Soft power basically imposes cultural influence which does not exert any political power.

Secondly, it is very slow at work diplomatically.

Hard power is easy to measure and predictable. However, Soft power is hard to measure and unpredictable. While hard power is direct, short-term, and has immediate effect, Softer power is indirect, long-term, and has a delayed effect.

Dear Friends

  1. The world is changing fast. India needs to keep up and be ready for new challenges like cyber attacks.
  2. India also has many security problems that need a strong response. We can use its hard power to have more say in world affairs and make the world more balanced.

I would like to end by typing ‘Hard power generates soft power, and I call it SMART POWER’...\


Thank You

Aadya Tandon