Hello Everyone !!! My name is Suvigya Rana and I have recently joined this community. I love Public Speaking and I am also an advocate for Energy Conservation. I have decided publish a series of topics for you to dicuss with your family and friends and also tell you on basics of Energy Conservation:

Broadly speaking, Energy Conservation comes with two benefits as listed below:

  1. Saving The Environment: Energy conservation saves a loootttt of fuel, especially fossil fuels. See the thing is that in the present world most of the energy or orgins of it are derived some where or the other form fossil fuels. For Example, most battery manufacturers use illegal and unethical ways to produce lithium ion batteries which generate a lot of pollution and waste a lot of energy. Currently, as per eesi.org, 80% of the world's comes from fossil fuels, which is alarming especially because most of the SDG's focus on Energy Conservation and greener economy.
  2. It is lighter on Your Pocket: Well Well Well, Money in your pocket is also a very important resource, right !!. Guess what by switching to LED's one can save around $225 in a year per bulb!!. Further as per various government archives switiching of the lights when not is use can save you another $35 per bulb a year. So saving energy is directly related to saving money and resources for the future and as the saying goes "Money Saved is Money Earned".

Now, how do you save energy well perform the things we have been talk sicne time immemorial, Switch off the lights when not in use, Use natural light, Practice car pooling, Look for governmental stamps or energy labels before buying appliances and ofcourse the best way is to stop buying unnecessary iphones, samsungs or any other appliance unless it is inevitable.

At the end, Conserving energy is the most basic necessity for reducing your carbon footprint. So keep saving energy and attempt your daily tasks consitently. I hope you like the article, do comeback for more

Debate Topic for Today: "Which Vehicle to choose: Electric or Hybrid ?"