The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals tackling major world issues agreed by 193 UN member states to be achieved by 2030. These goals include zero hunger, decent work and economic growth, and reduced inequalities.

The SDGs apply to all countries and set the priorities for governments. Demographic and social change, shifts in global economic power, urbanisation, climate change, resource scarcity, inequality and technological breakthroughs demand a corporate response. The SDGs can provide insights for companies on how they can create economic, social and environmental value for their investors and other stakeholders. The goals will allow business to understand and better respond to the risks and opportunities created by rapid change across the various sectors.


There is increasing interest by the investors in understanding how businesses are developing SDGs. Investors seek information on the relevance of the SDGs to overall strategies, and thus entities providing relevant SDG data will help investors make informed decisions which can lead to capital being channelled to responsible businesses. Companies are developing business strategies that embrace the growth potential of responsible environmental and societal policies.